Emergency Conditions that Lead to Death in a Dog

by | Jun 16, 2023 | Veterinarian

Have you ever lost a pet because of a condition that you thought was not serious enough to cause your dog to die? There are conditions that cause deaths within a short time so when they happen, make sure you take your dog to an emergency vet in County Durham.

1. Continuous convulsion – If your dog is experiencing seizures, you need to see a vet immediately. One or two seizures are not so alarming but you should see a vet for check-up. Continuous convulsions require immediate emergency vet services. If the convulsions are not monitored, they can lead to death.

2. Acute abdominal pain – If you notice that your dog’s stomach looks bloated or is tender when you touch it, take it to an emergency vet. The most probable reason for the stomach to be that way is gastric torsion. The condition seals off the entry and exit intestines and causes the stomach to flip. Gastric torsion is also accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and lack of appetite. Large dogs with big chests suffer from the condition in most cases but that does not mean other dogs cannot be affected. Make sure you take your dog to the vet because gastric torsion can lead to death.

3. Car accident – Accidents where dogs get run over by cars are very common. If your dog is run over by a car, check him to make sure he is fine. Take the dog to an emergency vet to examine him for internal injuries. Remember internal injuries can lead to death of your dog.

4. Difficulty breathing – One of the surest indications of a serious medical condition is difficulty in breathing. Do not hesitate to look for an emergency vet from county Durham.

Our emergency services are professional and our vets are trained to handle emergency cases. Contact us at Ashfield Veterinary Surgery today.

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